Well, it's approaching a month since my last post and a
lot has happened since. Classes have been in session for a month, and they are going very well. I had my first Education 2130 test tonight, and I walked out feeling like a made a 100.:)
Today I did my first field experience of the semester, and went to Mercer Middle School in Garden City, GA. It only took one day to realize that I definitely don't want to teach Middle grades. Those kids do not behave well. I guess they're just at that stage. As I was observing those students, I couldn't help but to think that when my peers and I was in their shoes--we didn't act that way. I was telling my classmate tonight about my day, and through my observation, I would feel confident to say that the school is 95% African American. She shared with me that she used to attend Mercer Middle (which was close to 15 years ago, and the ratio of race has always been that way). She also told me that she thought they acted the way they do because they come from low-income families. Therefore, the parent's are probably out of the home working more, and that could result in the student's misbehaving. It made sense to me.
Not only do I have observations to do at the Middle School, but I also have observations to do at a High School and Elementary school this semester (which I have yet to be placed in those schools). I hope they place me soon because I really want to be finished with
ALL my observations and the papers I have to write about them by Friday, March 12
th (the Friday before Spring Break). I want to stay ahead this semester because I'm aiming for all A's, and I feel like that is the best way to do it.
SO, Spring break starts Friday, March 12
th for me! I'm skipping one of my classes because I have a 12pm flight out of Savannah to Toronto, Ontario! I can not wait to land on Canada soil!! I miss my family SO much!! My flight arrives around 5pm, so it's a pretty short flight--Thank God!:) I'll be there that entire week, and the following Saturday we're all Georgia bound.
ROAD TRIP! I know my brother is excited to actually be coming back home after spending 11 months away. They're staying the week of March 21-27, and then they'll be Canada bound. :'(
I'm moving back to
Jesup in June!! I, too, can NOT wait for that day to arrive! I might not be
able to transfer back to my job, so if that is the case I am departing with Cato. I'm actually kind of excited that I may have to quit my job after 7.5 years. I'm thinking its past due time for me to enjoy life beyond the working field, so needless to say, I want to focus on graduating College!