Saturday, February 14, 2009

They're moving...?

So, I was at my brother's house the night before last and my sister-in-law tells me a bit of information that I would rather not hear. She was telling me that everything is looking good for their move this summer. She wants to move my brother, JT, and Jordan back to her hometown in Ontario, Canada. She's been talking about it for a good six months now, and it makes me sick (and very sad). She told me a few months back that she wants to be up there come May, ugh-that is only THREE months away!

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Accomplishing things...

It's been a week since my last post, and since then I feel as if I'm actually accomplishing some well-needed things in my life. In the last seven days I have applied to three different Colleges/Universities. I reapplied to Armstrong Atlantic State University, Valdosta State University, and Toccoa Falls College. All three schools are very different, and luckily I can get 3 of the 4 degrees I've been looking into at all of the schools. I can't believe I've narrowed the school selection down to those three. I'm telling you, if Berry College didn't cost $23,000 a year, I would be going there hands down. I know I have my scholarship, but I'm trying to think responsibly and pick a College where I won't run out sooner than I need to.

Well, I guess that'll do it for tonight-I'll post an update once I hear back from the schools. :o)

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Peaceful day:)

Today was a good day. I actually had most of the whole day to myself, which is very rare... AND I didn't sleep it all away. My day started out around 9am this morning. I watched some TV, I wrote my discussion question for my Biology class, did some household chores out of kindness, and then around 4pm I headed on to Waycross for class. Class was super boring, but what else would you expect?! My teacher should definitely take that Public Speaking class that I took last semester because EVERY OTHER word she says is Okay! It's SOoooooo annoying!!

Well-time is limited for me, so until next time!

Monday, February 2, 2009

Nothing important; Lol.

Well, it's been a few days since my last entry. I pretty much still have the same life story, and I'm still indecisive, but I will say I have been putting in a lot more effort in finding the school I wish to transfer to. My time is running down... I gave myself a deadline, and it's by March that I'll know what I'm going to do.

It looks like Baseball season is right around TWO months away!! :) I'm SO excited, and I can't wait. Braves dealt John Smoltz a couple weeks ago to the Red Sox, but managed to get a good starting pitcher from the Dodgers (Derek Lowe). There just might be some hope for the Braves this year, and yet that sounds all too familiar (being that every one was saying that about the rotation last season). BUT I sure hope so anyways. I want them to make it to the WORLD SERIES again. :)

Well, until next time!


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